Tuesday 5 February 2013

Snow Day

A couple of weeks ago we had snow.  I regretted so much that I didn't get any photographs I actually wished for more snow.  You see, where we live the last time we had snow was two years ago, the time before that was ten years ago.  So when I missed the opportunity to take photos of the children building snowmen and playing I really kicked myself.

Seems this morning my wish for more snow came true. At sunrise I was out taking photos, the fields and sky glowed red, it was beautiful.

The children were quick to get dressed to go out to play.  By nine o'clock everyone was outside busying themselves in the garden with shovels and tools for scooping snow.  Who cares about lessons on a day like this.  This snow bunny appeared in no time at all, with forecast showing rain at lunchtime everyone knew the urgency.
This is our park, not 'our' park but the village park.  The one where usually you sit and look out at the sea soaking up the view, while the children play.  Today was different, the only sitting involved was sitting on a sledge.

Down the hill towards the park at quite a speed, screaming the whole way!

If you steer just right you can sledge your way down and under the climbing frame, its important you duck otherwise you will get a sore head.

The toys get a go on the sledge too.

 It gets to a point where everyone is cold and wet and its time to go home.

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