Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Sunday 20 March 2011

Where have I been?

Where have I been? I know, I know, it has been forever since I last updated the blog. I have ran out of excuses, there are none! I was just dead lazy and I got even lazier when I thought of all the other times I apologised at being lazy and reading other blogs where people do the same thing.

I wont apologise, I am here ... I am posting again, for now. Just accept that if I refrain from posting I am either being lazy or I am super busy, or having a crisis in my life, or out socialising far too many hours, or having a baby (probably not but maybe the rabbits are having babies again), or feeding the dog ..wait I don't have a dog. Oh, I don't know, maybe it is raining!

Tuesday 28 October 2008


BRRRR it is cold out there today. I even saw a few flakes of snow coming down along with plenty of hail and rain. On the hills over the other side of Belfast Lough there is a dusting of the old white stuff. Its an Arctic wind apparently, but I dont really care where the wind comes from all I know is that it would freeze the balls off a brass monkey.

I was talking with a friend today and I realised I had forgotten to post some news I had. We have had a small development or should I say success for us as a family, a step which should pave the way for other families in our shoes too. I finally managed to get Sol's patches paid for by the NHS. After being allergic to the ones the hospital provided I was left to source different ones and pay for them myself. It is not the money that got me, but the difficulty in obtaining these patches which are latex and rubber free. Each three months it was the same trouble - pharmacist saying supplier doesn't do them, me saying they do, me speaking to supplier, persuading someone to order them in from manufacturer ...blah blah, and it was the same every single time. The patches cost £12 per box for me, apparently they would cost the hospital £7.50, my daughter was turned down this inexpensive yet very effective method of treatment based on cost. I complained every time I went to the hospital, and the answer I had got last time was "try source them cheaper on the Internet". The hospital would not even supply these patches for Summer - even passing the cost onto ourselves would have been preferable to the trouble each time I wanted to order.

So in the end I spoke to the manufacturer and they went into a little rant as to why other children get free patches why not us - he named hospitals that supplied the patches for free and one of those was also in the Belfast area. So I went back and informed the neurosurgeon's secretary and the orthoptics department that I was going to our local parliament member about our child with low vision being denied treatment. Before I knew it these guys were ringing me back saying this and that - talking of making preliminary enquiries of costing. Then came the call that Sol has been given authorisation to get her patches on the NHS but still not other children (it is a start). then the manufacturer called me congratulating me for 'paving the way for other families'. The manufacturer had received a fax through from the hospital that very day pricing up the patches for Summer.I paid for this three months supply, but after those patches run out hopefully things will be set in place for Sol to get hers at the hospital at no additional cost to ourselves.

Sunday 20 July 2008

Five minutes of Fame For Mag

Yesterday the 19th July was Roy's Birthday. I had been out shopping on Thursday twice, that's was another story, and got him some gifts and a card or two. One of those cards was a radio ...

Cool isn't it?

The next night, which was Friday, Mag, Toni and myself were hidden away upstairs in my craft room wrapping presents when I came across the card in a bag. I had forgotten about it, so hadn't tried it by this stage. We opened it up and realised it actually worked, we tuned in to our favourite station Cool FM . We often listen to Cool, especially in the mornings and have entered many competitions and won a couple too ... so knowing that there was a good chance Roy would get a birthday mention we decided to text a birthday mention in. We Said "Hi, Conner (it was Conner Phillips) we are listening to your show on a radio which is actually a birthday card. From Mag PS the birthday card is for my dad whose birthday it is tomorrow". We sent Toni down stairs to tell Roy to switch the radio on and listen in, hoping Roy would get a happy birthday. There was nothing at the end of the song that was playing then out of the blue my phone rang! It was a private number but I answered it anyway, a voice said "Hi, is that Mag?" I stuttered knowing who it was and said "no, hold on" handed the phone to Mag saying "oh my, its Connor Phillips". Connor Phillips was live from the Odyssey Cool Pod.

Connor spoke to Mag for several minutes while he played two songs back to back, he chatted and made Mag feel at ease. He said Mag sounded nervous and gave him a few 'radio' tips. He then asked if he would like to go live! Mag said yes! He gave a 20 second countdown for him then ....

Mag was live on the radio and Connor was chatting about the fact that not only do you listen to the show on the radio but now on birthday cards. He asked Mag who was there with him. He asked his dad's name, and his mums name gave us a cheer. He asked Mag what his plans were for the weekend and other chatty things. Then he said "just for your dad and your mum I am going to play the new Cold Play single"

Roy had tears in his eyes as he listened to Mag on the radio, so impromptu and unrehearsed he was touched that we did such a thing for him.

After the 'live' interview Connor said the live good bye and played the song, he stayed on the line then Connor came back and told Mag how great he was and said good bye to him properly.

We sent a message of thanks over to Connor later on, telling him how touched Roy was and that we really DID enjoy his show.

Thursday 8 May 2008

8th May 2008 - Seb's operation

I wish I had more to say this evening, but I am utterly exhausted so I will spare you the gory bits and keep this short.

He made it through! Seb had his operation and mummy survived although ten very short fingernails later. I know this is routine stuff but it is quite overwhelming sitting there whilst people work around you trying to put your baby to sleep for an operation.
They had to stick him a number of times in both hands and feet - he was just determined not to make it easy. In the end the anaesthetist gave him gas and from there on in it was plain sailing (thank goodness - I don't think I would have coped).

He recovered quickly and got home this afternoon which was great for the family too. Toni had been upset all morning, last time she knew someone go into hospital they passed away so I think this was playing on her mind.
and Sol - well she didn't miss me much, just her 'ga-gums' which is her word for the milk which only I can supply.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

29th April 2008

Returning from the hospital - Tuesday night and feeling like I dont want to do anything more today. this was Seb's pre op appointment for next Thursday. He is having vents in his ears and his adenoids removed, I think he needs it as his right ear wasn't even measuring on the scale today when they tested him. not much more to say about that, otherwise fit and healthy and not even caring what is going to happen to him.

I did have a bad case of MBS (mummy brain syndrome) today, somehow I thought Toni had her Rainbows display tonight - turns out I am only a month wrong - thank goodness I re read her letter instead of turning up.

Mag had his BB display last night - he got his gold badge for being there 7 years and a trophy for being best all round boy which I am really proud of him for. this is his last year, and then he moves on to a company section. the leaders all spoke very highly of him.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Found this on yahoo - an ITN news report from March 08

I know this is old news but I find it beggers belief that 22.4 % of teachers have dealt with kids carrying weapons. So for every child discovered with a weapon in school how many are not discovered?

Growing numbers of pupils are found carrying drugs and weapons every week at school, a report has warned.
A core of schools saw a significant increase in pupils with guns, knives and illegal drugs over the past seven years, the study from Warwick University found.
Teachers warned the trend was not restricted to gangs in large cities as provincial towns and rural areas also saw more youngsters arming themselves with weapons for "protection".
The study of 1,500 teachers by Dr Sean Neill, from Warwick's Institute of Education, suggested some schools faced severe problems.
"More teachers encountered offensive weapons more frequently in 2008 compared with 2001," the report said.
Nearly one in four teachers - 22.4 per cent - had to deal with pupils carrying weapons at least once a year.
The research also found "significantly more" teachers encountered pupils dealing illegal drugs on a monthly and weekly basis than seven years ago.