Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts

Sunday 26 August 2012

Anything, But Not Nothing

The round up of a week of weird happenings.  I guess it wasn't exactly a week that was exciting or even worthy of a blog post, but here goes.

I ended up at the dentist another two times with my bridge.  It came out, then it came out again 12 hours after it was fitted.  Then, another attempt at having it put back in which lasted a few days instead of a few hours my dentist decided that my bridge was distorted or my teeth have moved.  So I get the absolute pleasure of being numbed up this Wednesday for an hour to have new bridge preparation work done.  My previous bridge was a maryland bridge which involved very little prep work, but this time I wont be so lucky and will have to have the neighbouring teeth crowned.

My birthday was a non event. I don't want to moan about a whole lot, but it was a 'nothing' day.  There were no gifts, or cake from my other half. I was so annoyed by it all I didn't even out my cards up, its as if my birthday didn't happen. I wasn't asking for extravagant gifts, just a little token and a cheeky little note would have done.  A cupcake with a candle on it, perhaps, anything but not nothing.

I did treat myself to getting my nails done with a little bit of nail art on my two ring fingers.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

What Can Go Wrong Will

I do not like to continually moan, nor do I want this blog to be an outlet for my whinges.  But ...
Today merits a moan.

Sol was to have surgery this week on her eyes.  She has poor vision and her eyes have a tendency to drift inwards and upwards.  The poor vision can never be fixed but the eye appearance can, or so I thought until today.   We were at her pre op appointment and they cancelled her op.  Her eye test today showed a deterioration in her vision, and despite all my efforts to get the surgery they just won't do it.  I asked them to redo their tests today, as I was unhappy with the validity of the first test.  I was right in doing so as the second test showed better results but they still weren't enough to sway the surgeon.
So we came home very disappointed and frustrated as we've been on the list for this operation for 13 months.   Now we are back to square one, Sol needs three eye tests that give the same results before she will be considered for surgery again.  Each test will be two months apart and only then will she get put back on the surgery waiting list.  Meanwhile we keep on patching and praying.

My further moans are of frustration.  I was at the dentist today with my bridge that had come out twice in as many weeks. Dentist visits are not of my list of fun things to do, let me tell you.  Well, less than 12 hours later my bridge is out a again. I am guessing tomorrow morning I'll be back in the hot seat again with a strange man's fingers in my mouth.

I am going to go and get into bed before anything else can go wrong today.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Ghosts and Teeth

I knew there was something I had forgotten!

Typical I scratch my head trying to remember the last weeks events to put together a blog post and I forget the thing that affected me a lot!

We have a ghost called Maureen in our house. Well one night last week we were awakened during the night to the sound of voices. Roy jumped out of bed wearing not much more than a smile to investigate ... he discovered the television and sky box had somehow managed to switch itself on. We have had the sky box for a year and a half and the TV for a year and not once did they switch them selves on. It was a frightening night for us from initial thoughts of us being burgled to bewilderment as to how such a thing could happen.

Oh and I went to the dentist today - no fillings for today!

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Baking day - Saturday 24th

I am back dating blogging LOL. Today is actually Wednesday not Saturday but I wanted to post these photos before I share this weeks events.

Baking biscuits - Toni got an Angelina Ballerina cook book for Christmas so she decided to give one of the recipes a whirl.

The biscuits looked 'ok' but they did not taste so good.

So we made another batch and they turned out delicious.

The tooth fairy came to our house last week too!

Wednesday 14 January 2009

A Week In Photos - From Spider Woman To A Chef

Dressing up - Seb got a chef's outfit for Christmas and the children also all got aprons. The vet costume and the bee outfit were from previous events.

The tooth fairy also visited out house. As you can see the tooth that fell out was a top one, that top tooth was hanging by a thread for a couple of weeks (until I got sick of listening to the tears every time we ate). Underneath it was a quite well grown tooth so it is so no wonder it hurt.

 she is lovely. (Do you think I am biased?)

Yesterday the children were playing with various games.

This is 'our' family: Roy on the left, followed by me dressed as spider woman, Toni, Mag, Seb in the builder hat, and lastly Sol on the right.

Sol had her eye test at the hospital last week, as a result she got two new prescriptions. We went to Specsavers to order her glasses this time, and they turned out okay. Usually we go to our own optician but I did not have time to go there after doing a huge list of errands that particular day. Specsavers was in the shopping centre so it was hand to get to. The downside to Specsavers is that the only offer one free repair for each pair of glasses, our usual optician offers unlimited. I am sure it is the same NHS/government fund that pays for them so it does make you wonder why this service is not available there. For a three year old who wears lasses all of the time this is an essential part of the service. Anyways Sol was thrilled with her Mr Tickle, and Little Miss Naughty specs.

Toni has also been sick for the last couple of days, last night and this morning her temperature hit 39.5 C, it is coming down now at last. I think her tonsils are a bit red looking and she was sick, but I think she will be alright after a day or too in bed.

Saturday 26 April 2008

26th April 2008

Here she is Miss T - tooth no2 gone! Another 18 dramas to go. Less said the better .

I want to write more on my week but the children are fighting over balloons right now *sigh*, I am going to pop them.

Thursday 10 April 2008


We had a visit from the tooth fairy this week. And what a drama one wobbly tooth can cause too, my dd took several days out from real life to walk around with her hands clamped tightly over her mouth so her tooth would not fall out. She was terrified, and boy did she let us know. no sleep, no eating - she would not do anything.

So in the end the bad mommy that I am got my friend to hold her hands and I pulled the tooth out. After the initial shock she was the proudest girl in the world.

Strangest thing is that her replacement tooth is now growing in the gap, but her other new front tooth is actually growing behind her other milk teeth. I am sure they will straighten up, but it still is odd.