Friday 25 January 2013

January Round Up

I need to take stock!

I have spent a fair amount of time sick in the last 12 months. There's been ups and downs, a few hospital trips and a lot of soul searching. I have neglected my friends, online and real life. I've not gone to my groups or meetings, avoided social situations too. It's been tough. I have been trying to get better I think I am almost there now, I think. Physically I still have a few issues, like but I'm feeling a lot better emotionally.

Since my last post on my blog there's heaps that's happened, oh and I forgot to mention we have a holiday abroad a few months ago too. I need to share photos, it was pretty good, I guess better late than never.

We had a heap of work done on our house too. My house is 100 years old and constructed with solid walls. Of course nice as that is the walls were cold and attracted condensation. This lead to dampness which was not fun to live with. We had the whole house dry walled! This is like an extra wall and cavity added to take away the cold walls. I have to say its made an amazing difference already, we turned the thermostat down too and I am looking forward to lower fuel bills. We swapped the kids bedrooms around while we had the rooms empty, I think we've made better use of the rooms.

Another big thing that happened is that Sol was ill. She was admitted to hospital with bleeding from her bowels. She had three weeks of being under the weather and suffering from tummy bug symptoms. Her diagnosis - camplyobacter! Where she got it from we have no idea, all we know she was sick and lucky for us we didn't catch it so I could stay with her.

Christmas was okay, we'll actually it was painfully ordinary and boring. The kids all got bicycles so they had a lot of fun, other than that nothing happened.

Okay I shall catch up with everything else when I can.  

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