Tuesday 14 July 2009


Our family has grown once again. Long story too so I will only tell you the short one.

Roy has been wandering in and out of pet shops lately looking for rabbits! Not looking for lost rabbits but wanting to buy some for the children. With a rabbits comes an array of equipment so it was going to cost.

Just so happened that a very nice lady was on freecycle last night giving away her two rabbits, and their hutch. The lady seems very happy that we have taken the rabbits though I cant help feling she wil miss them a little bit.

Anyway one rabbit exchange later .......

Here is Dougal (previously known as Del Boy)

Here is Zebedee (previously Darcy)

Sol isn't so sure about the rabbits


  1. those pictures of summer are priceless! I really laughed out loud.

  2. Thanks for checking in to my "not me"s! And you should definitely join in! If you click the button at the top of my post it brings you to the homepage for it.
