Saturday, 16 February 2008


HAVE BOTH (animation shop) AS and PSP (paint shop pro) OPEN

save some glitters somewhere easy to access, you can find some glitters here

Go into Animation Shop, and click on file menu then browse ...
look for the glitter you need and click on it ...

still in AS

go into edit menu up top then click on select all

then back up to the edit menu and click copy ...


And anywhere on the blank area in middle right click your mouse .... chose paste animation as multiple images. You will find the three (or more) layers of your glitter have appeared on your screen.

Meanwhile select an image if you are using on ... for this example I have used a transparent PNG which in this case is a shamrock. I like working with transparent pngs ... its my personal preference)

Now go into your file menu and click new

here are the settings that I use ...

size 600 x 600 resolution 200, raster and transparent background

click okay and we are ready to rock and roll.

Copy your clip art image and paste as a new layer onto your blank canvas .... I had previously resized my shamrock graphic to around 150 pixels tall at 200 resolution - that is your personal preference.

So now you have this ....

click on your text selection box on the left hand side - its got the letter A on it. Chose your text size and colour and place it on or near your shamrock.

I have used brush script here at 72, colour green!
Dont worry about the colour being flat here I am going to introduce a new technique to you ....

Now using your crop function trim your image down so there is small space all around ...

once you have cropped use your selection tool and click on your name ... the selection tool is the cross shaped arrow thing about third down on the left hand side. just click on the name - it wont do anything but you will see on the next stage why ....

go into Effects menu .... 3d effects, then click on inner bevel ...

use the settings I have here just so we are doing the same thing BUT it doesn't matter after this tutorial what you do ...

If you like a shadow you can add one too but please don't at this stage till you learn how to make this.

now you have your name in 3d and the shamrock flat ...

this is where we start to add glitter

use the little selection tool like earlier and click on the shamrock ... make sure the shamrock is still behind the name ...

now click on the bucket fill on the left hand side, is 14 icons down I think .... then click on the materials on the right hand side material properties will pop up then you can click on the patern tab ...

if you look down it you will see your three glitter files, select the first glitter file - click ok.

now take your bucket and either right or left click (depending which contains your glitter) your mouse over the leaves of the shamrock to fill it. You may have to click two or three times till the are is covered with your first glitter layer.

Now SAVE this as a PNG file (very important) call it 1

once saved use your back arrow to get you back to the bit just before you glittered ... dont go too far back otherwise it wont work when you come to animate.

Follow the step where you click on the material properties and select the 2nd glitter file .... save as PNG 2

and again back and do it for the 3rd glitter ...

you will with a bit of luck have 3 png files saved.


Close all the stuff in AS you have open from your previous glitter search ...

look just below the file menu - there is a little icon that looks like a film strip ...

click on it - it is your animation wozard and will take you through the next few steps ..really easy.

first screen - select top ... same size ....
second screen - select whatever you like but for this glitter name I have selected opaque and clicked on the colour box and made sure I selected white ...... OK so far?

next screen - just leave it as it is ...

next screen - click yes and select your speed .. for this I selected 13 - again you can play with this setting

next screen you can browse and add your 3 png files you have saved from PSP

next screen just click FINISH

yay yay you have done it ...

this is what you will see

to see your glitter name click on VIEW tab up top then view animation ....

you see it - and hopefully like it - if not you can adjust the speed and size here but I will spare you those details until you master how to animate ...

Now to save ...... go into file menu and click save as - just follow the three screens that come up each time clicking next - and of course give your glitter a name.

So here you have learned two techniques - one is how do make some text 3d, the second is how to glitter an image. Hopefully with this tutorial you can figure out how to glitter other things ...

for glittering test - you apply the same method by selecting you materials as I have noted above, except you dont do the 3D bevel before hand.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

10th February 2008

Its been a funny old weekend here, Sunday night and the house is quiet so I thought I would catch up online.

My husband today went to take some rubbish to the dump and get the car washed - five hours later he got home. Meanwhile no1 son and I had been taking it in turns to call him on his mobile phone, which of course he wasn't answering. Why do men do that, just go off to do a simple job then get lost. If I were at the store and was gone five hours I would like to think he might worry about me. HMMMM So he had only popped in with his friends for a few minutes to find out how their holiday was to Great Universal Studios, Florida - it was great by all accounts and several cups of tea later Roy thought he ought to come home. So I asked him why he didn't answer his phone, he told me he had left it in the car. DOH did it not occur to him to get up and walk over to his car, open the door and pick his phone up and perhaps press the no1 number in his phone book. Well, aparantly that is too difficult, even for a man.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

6th February 2008

Just how difficult do you think it would be to book a holiday or vacation as the Americans call it. Well, apparantly it is - with four children our choices are somewhat limited, and what would happen when the next baby comes along. We just want to go to the Canaries in May, a short 50 miles away from Africa and not too far from the equator too the islands make for beautiful all year round weather. Prodomontly English speaking but with Spanish being their main language it will be great for the kids educationally - tee hee had to get that in, we are learning spanish right now HOLA!
So off I went to the travel agent and asked her to do some looking for us, was harder than it seems. Virtually no where allows you to have an apartment with enough rooms foor our brood, we are too many to squeeze into a studio, and hotels are out as the little ones cannot have a room or suite on their own. Nor do I wish to spend the fortnight seperated from my husband at possibly different ends of some spread out accomodation complex. We spent a fair few hours trawling the old favourite holiday web sites too - all to no avail.

So our search continues ...

Monday, 4 February 2008

4th February 2008

Its been ages since I updated all my friends ...

So here I go. To sum it all up in as few words as possible as I am sure you dont want to read lengthy explanations as to where I have been and what I have been doing.

First things first, Mag got his transfer exam results and he got an A. Just the result we were hoping for, and I just knew he would get an A too as he was getting close to 100% correct in his practice papers. This means that any school would be open for him to go to next year so long as they had places available. Though we are still going to home educate it was good to keep our options open. He wanted to do the exam and its a good measure of his ability and also I know we are on the right track with regards to what he is learning.

Other news this week - we had a death in the family. One of our cats, Scooby passed away on Friday morning. The children were pretty upset about it, but I guess this is a valuable lesson for them about how fragile life is. Poor Scooby just slipped into a coma like state, we found him laying in his kennel cold and lifeless. Off we went to the vet, and he explained that Scooby had signs of brain swelling with two or three possible causes. If it was poison then he would sleep it off perhaps, there is a new type of poison being used for mice and it affects other animals like this. the other alternatives were a head trauma caused by a fall, which I think is unlikely considering there was no visable injuries. The other thing was that he had an underlaying problem and just bled into his brain, thats what we settled for due to the absence of any other injuries. He had a big steroid injection and some muscle injections but it was all futile in the end.

We are left with Mistra who is very old and Tigger.

Thursday, 31 January 2008

31st January 2008

Well this week has been eventful in some ways to say the least.

Its less than 48 hours to go until Mag gets his transfer exam results. With that in mind and the fact we need to decide within a week or what direstion his next years education will go.

We have looked at two grammar schools and another one to go to tonight. So far we have 50 / 50 rate of liking and disliking the schools for various reasons. I cant name them here but I was disapointed with one and it's set of grades, and the other school seemed to thrive. One of the schools has zero tolerance for bullying and the other has recently suspended a victim of bullying because he suffered mental concerns due to the fact he had a broken bottle pushed in to his face and this happened in school. Dont get me wrong, we dont live in a 'bad' area, in fact we are all pretty civilised here but I still wont take any chances when it comes to my much loved children.

Mag on the other hand is showing resistance to enter back into the school system again, and I dont blame him after the good year we have had. We have had a huge amount of fun while we have been home educating and I feel the children have grown so much as a result of the good balance of education and play.

So we finally made our minds up and we are going to continue to home educate, and this decision I am very happy about.

There may be a few technical issues to iron out with regards to him sitting any exams, and this means we have to find a facility where he is allowed to come in as an external candidate. This is some time away so we have plenty of time to sort it all out.

So it looks like I have a new profession - teacher!

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Early Hours 23rd January

Is it ever going to stop raining?

All this global warming stuff - well you can stop now if you like. I hate it all, I hate the cold, I hate the damp, I hate the winter. i have a bad case of SAD I think.

It has rained non stop for ages here and no sign of drying up yet. Yesterday the road above us and the road below us was flooded. out village had flooding and I pity those poor people who don't live up the hill. I don't know the extent of it all yet as I haven't been brave enough to stick my nose out the door for a day or so.

I did speak to civilisation (if you could call them that), AOL that is - my modem router decided to stop working. I don't know what is going on there, if it was the bad weather or a power surge or what but it just died. So I rang my current supplier of Internet hoping they could get me going again ... they did better than that, they are only sending me out new equipment and a PS3 for free. HAPPY DAYS, no 1 son has not yet come back down to earth, now we just got to get some games for it ...hhhmmmm weren't they a second mortgage last time I looked? Forty squid a game - well it looks like I am going to be working for another few years to pay for all this. Joking aside I am happy about it.

We had this big debate at Christmas ... Mag's friend got a Wii for Christmas, which we were absolutely delighted for him. But us having four children has explained to Mag that we could not justify a present of that value, a Wii and a hand full of games was running close to £500. That's all fine and dandy then you got to be fair to the other children too, and before you know it you could go over board and in debt just to keep up with the trends. So feeling guilty because a friend suggested we should 'save up' and Mag's other friends got Wiis and Xbox 360s and wot not from the man in the red suit. we wondered if we were being bad parents, after all how do you explain to a child you cant justify it when its not you who brings the Christmas presents anyway, surely the elves could knock something together in a few minutes?
BUT we have the Internet in virtually every room, 3 computers and 3 laptops in our house, millions of games including many up to date ones ... we also have an extensive book library, a wealth of knowledge at our finger tips in the written form and electronically - so why should we feel guilty for not providing what is deemed to be a compulsory toy?

So after all that has been said we get one for free - now that is a smug grin which is coming across my face ... our children got their Christmas gifts and an up tp date games console, and that is our reward for being patient.

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

16th January 2008

Looks like we have a budding chef in our house! Mag made dinner for us last night and we all survived, joking, it turned out well.

here is his recipe

Ashley's Sausage Pasta Bake

What you need

good pack of fat sausages
3 carrots
olive oil
some paprika
BBQ sauce

Cook a half pan of pasta according tot he packet directions and drain

cut up the sausages into small bite size chunks
slice the carrots wafer thin
sprinkle a bit of olive oil round a frying pan and fry the carrots and sausages till browned
add sprinkling of paprika at this browning stage
once sausages are cooked add a splodge of BBQ sauce and a good lashing of ketchup
stir and cook for another moment or two

grate a stack of cheese

mix coked pasta, sausage ketchup mix, and cheese in a big Pyrex dish.

throw the dish into a hot oven until its cooked to your liking

serve and enjoy!