Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Monday, 20 July 2009


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
It's not me that bought myself a new pair of Sketchers shoes whilst out shopping for my husbands birthday present.

It's not me who has hidden said shoes in the corner of the bedroom, it's not me who will put them on one day and pretend I have had them for months and told him about them ages ago.

It's not me who is too lazy to pair up all the socks, and makes the children have competitions to see who pairs up the most.

It's not me who ate all the ripe cherry tomatoes from my next door neighbours tomato plants.

It's not me who ate the largest piece of birthday cake this evening. It wasn't even that nice a cake, football pitch, bright green food colouring YUCK.
It's not me who was stupid enough to hang her washing out side to dry just moments before the rain came on.
It definitely wasn't me who dropped my 6year old's plaster cast of her hand. The same plaster cast she made last week and painted silver and stuck it to a paper plate.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009


Our family has grown once again. Long story too so I will only tell you the short one.

Roy has been wandering in and out of pet shops lately looking for rabbits! Not looking for lost rabbits but wanting to buy some for the children. With a rabbits comes an array of equipment so it was going to cost.

Just so happened that a very nice lady was on freecycle last night giving away her two rabbits, and their hutch. The lady seems very happy that we have taken the rabbits though I cant help feling she wil miss them a little bit.

Anyway one rabbit exchange later .......

Here is Dougal (previously known as Del Boy)

Here is Zebedee (previously Darcy)

Sol isn't so sure about the rabbits

Wednesday, 8 July 2009


You would not believe that so many people can squeeze into a tiny little village. Well they can and here is the proof! Groomsport celebrates the 4th of July in real style. The fireworks were awesome and the music was good, it cant get much better than that.



You can use up all your mushy old brown bananas by turning them into jam.

1kg bananas (between 7 & 12) I simply pro rata the recipe
100ml Lemon juice
750g sugar (warmed opt)

Place all the ingredients in a good heavy pan.
Bring to the boil which happens very quickly.
Keep stirring periodically

turn the heat down to medium and cook for 2o minutes

then Summer for a further 15 - 20 mins

you know the jam is ready when it turns a nice red colour.

remove any scum

Spoon immediately into clean warm jars and seal. Turn upside down for two minutes then back up and leave to cool.

Store in a dark place for 6 - 12 months. Refrigerate after opening.

Thursday, 18 June 2009


I am hungry.
I am cross with myself for two reasons, first is having these tests (not really), second is waiting so long to have these tests.
I have always had allergies and intolerances to since I was born. These allergies were not properly diagnosed till I was grown up. My parents struggled to find food that I would eat so took it upon themselves to hold me down and force feed me. This in turn made me very ill and have given me some serious food phobias.
All my adult life I have enjoyed preparing food but not eating it. I can't eat out as a rule, I am very particular so it would take me to really trust the chef in order to eat. I can however manage a curry made specially by the chef for me at the Phoenix in Bangor!
So here my food journey continues. Discovering what I previously thought were food phobias are actually allergies and realising this is my body's built in safety mechanism is a good start. Thattogether with my already known allergies I can move on and get healthy.
I have been asked in the past "why don't you just eat ...?" when faced with a meal, but at least now I can answer with confidence that I can't eat that food.
Back to now, I am starving! Can't eat cheese, can't eat ham, need to go cook some chicken to keep for my lunch. Breakfast is a tricky one too, can't have milk for cereal, don't like soya milk (it's rotten, have you ever tried it?). Need to find some nice tea you can drink without milk. I did manage a cereal bar this morning, of which we had two in the house (probably out of date!), I didnt enjoy the bar and struggled to swallow it so there is no way I am going to be able to eat one of those every morning.
This also explains where Seb has got his casein allergy from, I know how he feels now.

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